"Spiritual concepts are pointers to the Truth that lies beyond"


It's Ok For Life To Be The Way It Is

Live Satsang recorded @ Spanda Yoga School, Fremantle, WA

It's Ok for life to be the way it is!

This is because ultimately what we are really looking for in daily living is not actually dependent on circumstance.

Because however we have become convinced that our happiness, and on a deeper level 'who we are' is dependent on circumstance being a particular way - that is, as we want it to be - then we find ourself in constant resistance to what's happening, especially when what's happening is painful. This happens because with this belief in place deep down that painful outcome is taken to be an attack on who we.

Ultimately, our uncomfortableness with whatever happens to be in the moment, boils down to an irrational fear of death - irrational because it's only based on a false or misguided image of who we are.

Coming to know the essence of the human as eternal Consciousness is the beginning of the end of this false self image and the fear of death

November 27, 2016

Acceptance & Personal Doership

ACCEPTANCE and PERSONAL DOERSHIP - in this short audio clip Roger talks about how true acceptance of life as it is, pleasure sometimes and pain at others, can happen and why when it doesn't it is perfectly understandable. Acceptance is what is there when non-acceptance isn't. Enjoy.

August 30, 2016


How can we know that everything is predetermined?

The simple answer is that everyone will have their own standard of proof. There is no proof that can be given in one shot that will prove to everyone that everything is predetermined.

As part of this teaching, the notion of predetermination is not there so much to prove that the story has already happened, but more so to challenge the ingrained, inaccurate and obstructive belief that the individual is in control of what’s happening in life. As part of this teaching, the notion of predetermination is not there so much to prove that the story has already happened, but more so to challenge the ingrained, inaccurate and obstructive belief that the individual is in control of what’s happening in life.

A continuous observation and the ensuing deepening of this recognition renders the belief in individual, independent volition, nonsensical, leaving not so much a belief that all is predetermined but rather the absence of the belief of individual control - then life is seen as it is - a spontaneous happening and not my doing.

November 5, 2015

Web-Satsang - Practically Speaking

During the spiritual search we find ourselves going through different phases but at the end of the day we want to stop seeking and inquiring, stop having spiritual experiences and ask …. what are we really looking for, practically speaking?

At the end of the day we just want to be able to get up in the morning and live life as it unfolds without trying to create any particular experience. That really means living life as a human being in the world of cause and effect but at the same time remaining at peace with oneself and the circumstance we find ourselves in.

October 4, 2015

Addressing the topic of dependency and addictions

Roger addresses the topic of dependancy, the sense of lack and seeking pleasures in order to try fulfilling this lack.

July 1, 2015

Seeking fulfilment in love

What we truly are is always whole and never needs anything outside to be more complete

July 1, 2015

The process of integration (with French translation)

This recording is in French/English/French and will probably be more appreciated by French speakers.

April 10, 2015

Reference point in life (with French translation)

This recording is in French/English/French and will probably be more appreciated by French speakers.

April 10, 2015

Fulfilling the sense of unworthiness

Addressing the topic of fulfilling the sense of unworthiness through love and other relationships.


Interview for “Ice-cream for the soul” portal

Roger is being interviewed by Mark on his biography and seeking process.


Talk with Richard Belisle

A conversation which covers in detail the process of awakening, deliverance and integration


What are non-dual teachings

In this audio clip Roger sheds light on what non-dual teachings are, what they are pointing at and how magic can happen if what is said penetrates to the heart.
