Roger's BLOG
Direct knowing
Become interested in knowing the current experience of life directly rather than through a filter of thought.
You can start with allowing the visual and sound aspects of this moment to become those which are predominant in the experience and by just allowing it all to be there, allowing the senses to function automatically, you'll experientially realise that it all arises within a silent field of awareness.
No thought needed to bring the experience of life into being, it's already here, no thinking needed about what's here in order to know the present moment directly.
You can return here many times a day, even for just a moment or two, it's home.
Peace for now.
A fine line between earnestness and expectation
Peace of mind always happens right now. Put simply peace of mind happens when the activity of the 'thinking mind' falls away.
It's therefore useful to know what that thinking of the mind thinking is and on what food it survives.
One of the forms of the thinking mind thinking is expectation. The word expectation describes the thinking which contains in it the notion that you need something in the future in order for life to be OK or worthwhile.
The quest for peace of mind can quite easily turn into expectation. And if it does it is the thinking mind obscuring your peace of mind right now.
So, STOP, and Be, at peace.
Peace for now
Life, such a small word referring to such a broad and all inclusive movement.
Whenever possible relate to the actions which happen through the other (and the subsequent outcomes) as part and parcel of the ever-changing movement of life.
You are also intrinsically and fundamentally part and parcel of life.
Everything is a happening according to the will of life.
This way of seeing won't magically turn painful situations into pleasure, however it is a way in which the psychological error of separation can dissolve, and if that dissolves you will no longer insist that life be any different from life.
Peace for now
Getting to know your self identity
It's spent a lifetime with you, you could even go as far as to say it is you, and even so, can you say that you are intimately and consciously familiar with who it is?
If you're life depended on answering a detailed quiz about your self identity (just like couples sometimes need to do on a game show) and getting every question about it right, would you be able to save yourself?
The truth is that we may think we know our self identity but in reality we probably have a warped idea about it.
If you'd like to know it a little better, then ask yourself and answer this question:
What does your self identity believe would (if delivered, achieved, or found) change the qualitative experience of your life such that there would finally be an ongoing contentment?
In other words, what are you really yearning for?
Try not to answer this question using concepts from spiritual teachings etc, but rather go to your own daily life and see what the answer must be given what you prioritise and how you move during the day. The honest answer is most often given in the content of the unconscious or persistent thought patterns, those thought patterns tell us what you believe is what you need, so keep an eye out and see what they tell you the answer is.
So this question isn't being asked to generate some theoretically correct answer about 'what and where contentment is to be found' according to wisdom teachings, but rather this question is being asked in this context to see what answer is currently being held in the body/mind structure.
After all, we're trying to get to know our self identity here, to see it as it is, rather than once again coming up with some wished for self image which we would like to think is there because we feel it would get better marks. In this case you get full marks for total honesty which means dropping outside of concepts and seeing what's really in place.
For the most part, my guess is that honest and accurate answers would revolve around: finding a new love relationship or having ones existing partner change to be more loving or perfect, having a better financial situation, finding your passion and life purpose including a satisfying job, having more free time, developing close friendships and so on.
Once you have this answer, you have something very valuable.
I'm not saying it is the answer which will deliver fulfillment if fulfilled, however I am saying that being equipped with that honest answer is a big asset in the movement towards true lasting contentment.
Peace for now
Sometimes pleasure and sometimes pain
The flow of life has always been and always will be, by nature, sometimes pleasure and sometimes pain. It's not going to magically change.
So when life delivers pain, often through our actions or those of the other, it's working perfectly well.
Peace for now
The relative and the absolute
Thinking is a relative, limited process and it is therefore not possible for thought to know the absolute. In fact trying to know something absolute through thought will always be the ultimate obstacle.
So if you're interested in realising the absolute then this logic can be part of the rationale that leads to a spontaneous STOP.
Just stop and Be.
The working mind and the thinking mind
The underestimation of the working mind in the process of liberation is a result of an undeveloped working mind.
The suggestion of some teachings to put all thinking aside is wisdom which doesn't underestimate the tenacity of some thinking minds.
Peace of mind is the absence or dissolution of the thinking mind with the aid of the working mind.
The working mind understands the beauty of inner silence and is more than happy to STOP when it's not needed.
Peace for now
Life is a happening
If a change towards apperceiving the totality of Life as,
"a Happening according to Life's Will",
doesn't happen, then suffering must prevail, and the wonder and awe which is spoken of remain potential.
Life is a happening!
Witness thoughts happening, arising in a body mind organism, witnesses actions and reactions happening through a body mind organism, witness reading happening, witness feelings and emotions happening, arising in a body mind organism.
Life is a happening and not 'your doing', witness the happening.
Peace for now
It's all about peace of mind in daily living
The spiritual search is all about peace of mind in daily living, in other words the absence of suffering.
Suffering is always attitudinal and not circumstantial, which means it is always a form of thinking about circumstance. This thinking floods your inner landscape leaving no space or silence, creating an internal uncomfortableness with oneself and the other, with life.
Peace of mind is therefore the absence of a certain form of thinking, a stilling and silencing of the thinking mind (not the working mind).
So, if the whole process is about peace of mind, which in practical terms is the end of suffering, doesn't it follow that a clarity about the nature of suffering and why it can end is essential?
Keep this in mind - that the search is about peace of mind in daily living - this will keep you focussed and on track, a bit like a beacon in the night.
Peace for now
Today's post
The content of today's earlier post was not true.